While I don't condone biting designs from another company, I can definitely see the attraction in doing so. So let's compare take a cold hard look at MSI's "Apple-inspired" Wind, shall we?
First off, I'm going to have to agree with the masses. As a netbook, the Macbook Air is outrageously priced given what you're getting. A 4200 RPM hard drive? Please. With specs this terrible, you'd probably guess that given enough time, someone would develop a Hacknintosh alternative and throw a pirated version of OSX onto it.
And so that's what happened. Except now, you have a company that's shamelessly stealing a design and actually turning into an ugly piece of shit. How is that possible, especially if you try and blantantly stealing a design off Apple? Whether you're in agreement or not, it's outright ridiculous that they're not getting sued already by Apple.
More value, I must agree, but again, stealing is wrong and there's no doubt MSI's wearing the darkside shorts here. That, in addition with their reputation of ripping off customers with rebates in the past, convinces me to say that their entry into the netbook playing field is dispicable and doesn't deserve a penny from consumers.
As long as there are people who shop at Walmart and Hong Kong knock-off manufacturers looking to make an easy dime, there will be MSI. And as long as Apple continues to price shit so goddamn high, consumers will only get more inbred retard looking alternatives designed for bottom feeders.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
MSI Wind vs. Apple Macbook Air Showdown
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