I propose a truce. A truce with rules, regulation, and sense-making in the common definition. The goal of this truce is to lead us out of the heart of evil. Fact is - despite all the available knowledge around us today, we're still running around like children. The curiosity acts as an onset to time - time lost towards our eventual fall towards death.
We're plummetting. Downward in a spiral direction. We should stop eating. We should grab paddles and start paddling. Man, the noise is tearing out our ear drums. The "bwarrp's" are just proof that this shit doesn't stop. Never ever. It feels like aural heroine.
Are we running away or accepting the collapse as a challenge? Tell me, what's more important than the human heart? What's a few sirens, exploding appendages, and broken glass to keep us from pursuing what we've set out to do? I say you need it. I say you go for it. I say you can climb out, break the mold, and escape. Do it or die.
Friday, December 17, 2010
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