Like how certain people enjoy getting a good deal by buying designer rip-offs when it comes to expensive furniture, MSI seems to firmly believe they can cater to that crowd in the technological mobility sector and get away with it.
And somehow, through all of the hula hoops and miraculous miracles that tend to circumvent reason today, they've somehow succeeded in blatantly stealing the Macbook Air's design, repackage it as their own and make off with profits by selling it without the OSX OS or the ridiculous Apple price tag.
First off, fuck MSI. I hate that company with a passion. They've declined rebates for my graphic cards twice now, putting me back a good $180 that I should've gotten if I had known about Better Business Bureau (or where their headquarters were located so I could stand there until they gave me the rebate). Still, as much as I hate them, I can't help but to completely agree with their approach and pricing.
Though to be quite honest, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out their business model or formula of thinking. Step 1) Read all the comments from Engadget upon the announcement of the Macbook Air. Step 2) Copy the design, tweak it by a few micrometers, and then call it the, "Wind." Step 3) Sell it for $500 more than what it cost to make, instead of $1000 more like Apple did. The result? A high quality, Chinese import-lookin' excuse for a decent computer.
Fact is, people are willing to pay for this sorta cheap knockoff as long as it makes sense. And in a recession, this makes a whole lot of sense. As unfortunate as it is to see a sleazeball company make off with a design like this, you can't help but think about how unreasonably priced (and painfully under-specced) the current Macbook Air is. Gotta hand it to them for that, I guess.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Those Dogs At MSI Are Unbelievably Reasonable
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