You gotta admit, this is very true. Naturally, you would think jumping in one-year increments would be the correct solution.
But even if you do it in one-year jumps, do you go by actual years or by 365 days?
365 days won't help you, of course, because you'll be still six hours off-course, which is about 600,000km.
If you go one actual year forward / backward, you'll be about 90 degrees longitude off-course due to the Earth's rotation. Not a big deal unless your velocity vector travels with you, in which case you'll either slam into the surface of the Earth or be launched several miles into the air.
So the next solution would be to do some serious math and figure at what points in time the Earth's position and angle of rotation would be the same as they are now. This puts a substantial limit on the number of possible jump-points, but it must be considered for safety reasons.
Lastly, this all assumes that the Sun is stationary in space, which... it isn't.
Monday, May 10, 2010
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