With the recent demise of my first relatively corporate job, I've now dropped back to square one. Which can be a good or a bad thing. I could dwell in the misery that comes with unemployment, dreading the moment I break the bad news to my parents, and lose the happiness that I've gained from such a few fulfilling months. Or I could look into all else there is out in that endless sea of jobs that define you... or is it you that defines your job? I can't really tell anymore.
However, what kills me most are the friends I've made; not so much the job, but the people I've come to love from working at such a diverse company. The old and the young; all together chatting about whatever, talking about our high school experiences, and enjoying our free company-catered lunches every other day. It was good. Almost too good that I really didn't see this coming, and that also kills me.
So perhaps this is the most emo post anyone will never read. I don't care. I want people to know I feel you when it comes to the unemployment dilemma in a recession that's about to consume our country. I also want people to know that times like these, you gotta tell yourself, "I'm not done." No, siree. Starting next week, I'm going to embark on a brand new journey. For the record, it's still Springtime. And even if my energy has been tainted a bit, covered in dirt, I'll fucking prevail. I'll be up at night with mental charts, timelines, and hundreds of books on my nightstand.
This won't be the last of me. I promise you that.
My Bloody Valentine - Lose My Breath (MP3)
Bloc Party – Skeleton (MP3)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Cheer Me Up, Buttercup
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Brilliant. haha a very interesting read
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